HB 220 (Emissions Reduction Amendments) Update
It’s week four of the legislative session and we’ve been hard at work on the Hill meeting with lawmakers, testifying in committee hearings, and hosting Citizen Lobby Days — all in the name of clean air.
At the top of our list: HB 220 (Emissions Reduction Amendments) — the first phase of Prosperity 2030, which aims to cut emissions by 50% along the Wasatch Front.
Introduced in the House, HB 220 is a novel program targeting Utah’s three main areas of pollution: vehicles, homes and buildings, and large pollution sources.
Last week’s inversion could not go unnoticed. And now we know US Magnesium, one of the dirtiest and most reckless polluters in our state’s history, is responsible for increasing that inversion by up to 25%.
HB 220 addresses this problem by establishing a baseline of bromine emissions, the main pollutant from US Magnesium causing this outsized impact.
Now is the time for the legislature to take action. If you haven’t already, please contact your legislator and ask them to support HB 220.
ICYMI: HB 220, and the need for air quality legislation, has received great coverage from Fox13 and KUER.
Bill Tracking
While much of our time is focused on HB 220, we are also tracking and testifying on a number of other bills related to air quality, water, transportation, voting rights, and many other important issues.
Here are a few we have our eye on.
Sponsor: Rep. Joel Briscoe
Issue Area: Great Salt Lake
Our Stance: Support
This bill allocates 1/16% of sales and use tax to manage the water levels at
the Great Salt Lake for five years.
Sponsor: Rep. Mike Schultz
Issue Area: Transportation and Electric Vehicles
Our Stance: Oppose
This bill reduces the tax on motor fuel and imposes a tax on the sale of electricity for electric vehicle charging. The tax rate is 12.5% and revenue will be deposited into the Transportation Fund. The operator of the EV charging stations may retain 6% of the taxes collected to pay for collection costs.
Building Code Revisions (waiting for bill assignment)
Sponsor: Rep. Cal Musselman
Issue Area: Buildings
Our Stance: Support
This bill updates commercial and residential building codes to reduce emissions.
Sponsor: Rep. Kay Christofferson
Issue Area: Renewable Energy
Our Stance: Oppose
This bill repeals the state production tax credit for wind and solar.
Sponsor: Sen. Chris Wilson
Issue Area: Banking
Our Stance: Oppose
This bill prohibits a person who manages/invests funds on behalf of government entities to consider environmental, social, and governance interests.
Sponsor: Sen. Chris Wilson and Rep. Rex Shipp
Issue Area: Banking
Our Stance: Oppose
This bill says the state may not enter into a contract with a company that has imposed an "environmental boycott" i.e. divested from fossil fuels.
Sponsor: Sen. Daniel Thatcher and Rep. Cal Musselman
Issue Area: Voting
Our Stance: Watching
This bill would allow people to be challenged on residency if their license is from out of state.
Our friends at HEAL Utah and Utah Clean Energy do a fantastic job with weekly updates on relevant bills as they come up for a vote. Give them a follow for even more info from the Hill.
Citizen Lobby Days
Thank you to everyone who has joined us for Citizen Lobby Days so far during the session.
Taking time out of your day to show up at the Capitol and meet face-to-face with legislators is one of the most impactful steps you can take in the fight for air quality. It is your legislator’s job to represent your interests, and showing up for what you care about truly makes a difference.
We’ll be holding one more Citizen Lobby Day on Thursday, February 23 from 1:30-4 p.m. Click here for more info and to RSVP.
Can’t make it in person? You can always contact your legislator via email and let them know why air quality legislation must be passed. Please let us know if you have any questions about reaching out to lawmakers.
We’re Hiring
We're hiring a Community & Events Manager!
Come join our team and work across the Wasatch Front through grassroots efforts and events to increase voter turnout and pass meaningful policy.
We're looking for candidates with 2+ years of grassroots organizing, campaign organizing, or event management experience.
Check out the full job description and apply today.
Staff Recs
Eli is cooking...
Super Bowl Sunday Chili. My annual tradition continues this weekend for the big game. I’m partial to the crockpot, loading it up with beans and veggies, and just the right amount of heat. It wouldn’t be complete without all of the fixings — cheese, hot sauce, sour cream, and scallions. Flip the crockpot switch in the morning, go skiing, and the house has a potent chili aroma by kickoff. Go Eagles!
Greg is baking...
Pan De Cristal. This bread from the Catalan region of Spain is my new favorite to make. The crumb is beautiful, the crust crunchy, and the baking process is super fun. Watch out for this delicate, high-hydration dough! It is fun and tasty, but could take some getting used to!
David is eating...
Ritual Chocolate! This is probably my favorite chocolate maker and it’s based in Heber.
Bronti is anticipating...
Gardening! With spring closer than we think gardening and putting your hands in the dirt can go a long way in boosting the mood. Come join me at Wasatch Community Gardens as I take on a new role. My time at O₂ Utah has been a great journey and I look forward to following all of the wonderful work of this group.
Eliza is walking...
Early in the morning! With everything a bit hectic in the world of policy recently, I’ve been setting my alarm clock 30 minutes earlier than normal and going on a quick walk without my phone. It helps me recenter before checking emails or heading to the Capitol, plus I’ve learned there are a lot of cute dogs in my neighborhood!
Travis is watching...
“The Last of Us” Episode Three on HBO. Another zombie apocalypse just like you asked for. One of my favorite TV episodes in a long time. A beautiful story about a couple that survives on their own for decades while the world is falling apart.